Max Restrings:
The total number of racket restrings you are allowed to enter. This is only limited in the trial licence

Max Daily Restrings:
The total number of racket restrings you are allowed to enter per day

Max Venues:
The total number of venues you are allowed to enter. Each restring is linked to a venue and allows a player to see restring details for previous venues.

Max Collaborators:
The total number of collaborators you are allowed to invite. The person who has registered has the ability to invite other people to help maintain stringing records for his/her organisation. This is useful for a club or shop stringing at multiple venues or a tournament stringer stringing at multiple tournaments.

A collaborator is defined by an email address and venue e.g. email address for Venue Wimbledon 01/07/2018 is one collaborator and for Venue Wimbledon 01/07/2019 is another collaborator

Text Notifications:
The system can send text (depending on licence) and email notifications to a player when a restring is completed, these can be switched on or off. Please email if you would like to be able to send texts worldwide or to a non UK country

Include Pro Players:
Ability to automatically include the top men, women and juniors

Monthly Price:
The price you pay per month in UK pounds. You can cancel anytime during the month but you will pay for the remainder of that month. Please note any data you entered will be removed after cancelation

Yearly Price:
The price you pay per year in UK pounds. You can cancel anytime during the year but you will pay for the remainder of that year. Please note any data you have entered will be removed after cancelation

Fair use:
Fair use means a temporary cap of 5000 is enforced which can be raised by sending justification to We reserve the right to reject a request we deem to be unreasonable